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2024 APA National Conference
National Conference
Registration Info
Registration is closed
Payment In Full In Advance Only
Cancellation Policy:
For any cancellations after 12/31/2023, we will credit the registration toward a future event or membership for the amount of registration minus a $210 fee for handling.
About this event
Requests for reasonable special accommodations must be emailed to by 1/3/2024.
The conference will be at the Austin Marriott North. There are a limited number of rooms at the
APA group rate of $139 per night, plus tax. Parking and wifi at the hotel are free for hotel guests.
Rooms are subject to availability. The special group rate ends on 1/6/2024, or when the group
rooms are sold out. Book your room here.
There is an optional offsite tour of the LBJ Presidential Library on Wednesday morning
before the conference. Individuals will carpool from the hotel to the library. This optional tour
requires an extra fee and registration. If you haveany questions, email Registration for the
optional LBJ tour will close on 1/2/2024 or when we reach 40 registrants.
The Jim Boyce Memorial Scholarship will be conducting a raffle benefiting the Scholarship fund at the conference.
The drawings will be held on Thursday evening during the happy hour. Tickets can be bought now and
picked up during checkin on Wednesday morning. Tickets will also be available to purchase at the JBMS
table at the conference.
REMINDER: All TDLR CE credits must be self-reported as of September 1, 2023. APA can no longer report
your TDLR credits. You will need to keep your certificates of completions and self-report to TDLR. APA will
report credits to AIA and APAC, but all other agencies, including TDLR, are self-report.
Continuing Education
APA is a registered provider with the American Institute of Architects (AIA/CES, #G583) and the Florida
Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR, Provider #0007855 / license #PVD312)
and is a preferred provider for the International Code Council (ICC, #1321). APA provides pre-verified
ACTCP credits for the ADA Coordinator Training Certification Program (ACTCP) and has previously
awarded an APA-ADA Specialist Designation, an APA-ADA Assembly Area Designation, and an
Accessibility Standards completion certificate. APA partners with APAC (Accessibility Professionals
Association Certification Program) to provide CE credits. Members/guests can meet the CE/LU
requirements of numerous organizations, including the Texas Department of Licensing and
Regulation, by attending APA Training and verifying with organizations when a course has been registered.
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