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HomeTheresa L. Kitay
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Theresa L. Kitay
Shareholder at Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, P.C.


Theresa L. "Terry" Kitay focuses her practice on defense and preventive representation of clients in the housing industry in all civil rights matters, including fair housing, Section 504, Title VI, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 


Terry's clients include many of the leading residential housing providers and public housing authorities in the country. Her practice places particular emphasis on advice regarding disability and accessibility issues, including compliance with the Fair Housing Act and building code requirements for accessibility in the design and construction of new multifamily housing. Terry is a California Certified Accessibility Specialist (CASp) and an Accessibility Inspector/Plans Examiner certified by the International Code Council. She was formerly a trial attorney for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Terry's enforcement background with HUD, combined with extensive experience in the defense representation of housing professionals since leaving HUD, have given her a unique ability to assist clients who face civil rights issues or wish to avoid them in the future.

Terry is a member of the state bars of Georgia, California, and North Carolina.



"Interpreting the Accessibility Requirements: Responses from Risk Averse to Defendable"
AIA/CES #APA 261 2 LU|HSW, ICC #33752 .20 CEU, ACTCP 2 elective credits

Accessibility in Fair Housing is different than the ADA. There can be more than one correct answer. First, we will explain which laws apply to which projects. Then, we would like to answer your questions. Bring your most vexing questions, and we’ll do our best to answer them.