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Member Bio

Charles R Watt (Charlie)

Department of Rehabilitation Services  ADA Coordinator
Oklahoma City, OK

Contact Information

Oklahoma City, OK
Department of Rehabilitation Services
ADA Coordinator
3535 NW 58th Street
Suite 500
Oklahoma City, OK 73112

Personal Information

Additional Information

APAC-BE #0016; ADAC; APA/ADA Specialist


APA Rocky Mountain Chapter


I am the ADA Coordinator for the Oklahoma Dept. of Rehabilitation Services, a vocational rehabilitation agency whose purpose is to assist individuals with disabilities to prepare for, find, and maintain employment opportunities. I completed the ADA Coordinator Training Certification Program developed by the Great Plains ADA Center in 2013 and was selected to be the agency's ADA Coordinator in 2015.

I have worked for DRS for 26 years. I worked for 12 years in a program which served individuals who are blind or visually impaired. One of my positions in Visual Services was to develop and administer a small business management training program for legally blind individuals.

I later moved into a training position in the DRS Human Resource Development unit. During this time I became involved with the ADA National Network's Train-the-Trainer initiative. Through that initiative I became a member of the National Network of ADA Trainers and the Mid-Atlantic ADA Center's Leadership Network.

One of my many responsibilities as an ADA Coordinator is to conduct access surveys when necessary or requested to do so. I continually strive to be a resource for agencies, organizations, businesses, and individuals in providing information, training, and recommendations on how to ensure individuals with disabilities can become fully integrated into their communities.